FID Insights

A one stop shop for identification, authentication and fraud detection without storing additional data.

KYC, AML, Fraud Check, Employment & Income Verification.

Consumer Insights

Verify and authenticate if the person is who he or she claims to be.

Income Insights

Verify if the applicant’s self reported employment and income is correct.

Business Insights

Verify and authenticate business identity details and its principal’s information.

Get FID Insights Product Sheet

See how FID Insights works in this product sheet.

Work with us

While you focus on acquiring and approving your customer we will do the rest.

Why FortifID

FID helps our customers go digital, comply with personal data protection regulations while continue to focus on their core which is acquire and decision their customers.

Be a part of the transformation with FortifID

A data solution that addresses the complexities of the real world.

Simplify your business and operating models to enhance customer service and structurally reduce cost

FID Apply

Customer onboarding solutions

FID Insights

Improve fraud rates and minimize data breach and penalties exposure


A single tunable API to validate and authenticate

Be a part of the transformation with FortifID

A data solution that addresses the complexities of the digital world.