FID Small Business Insights

Business Verification processes are under heightened focus from regulators. Know Your Business (KYB)

FortifID verifies and authenticates business legal entities (BLE’s) and their ultimate beneficial owners (UBO’s) at reduced costs while maintaining high KYB standards
Fast track your KYB process from hours to minutes.

Know Your Business (KYB)

A single tunable API to validate your business identity, details and financials.

Business Identity

Verification of the business applicant helps better manage lender portfolio fraud and financial risk. It is also good compliance hygiene. FortifID business reports verify:

  • Business identity and Tax ID
  • Firmographic Details
  • Public Records – Lien, Bankruptcy, Judgement
  • OFAC Commercial Response

Business Financials

Understanding business financial details helps make robust credit decisions. FortifID business financial information sourced from major accounting platforms and bureaus provide you with quick access to normalized and analyzed financial data. Information includes:

  • Summary attributes that include active_trades, credit_limit, inquires, delinquencies, charge_offs.
  • Accounting summary reports like default_ risk_scores, various financial statement analysis metrics.

The FortifID KYB Solution

Simplify your business and operating models to enhance customer service and structurally reduce cost

FID Apply

Customer onboarding solutions

FID Insights

Improve fraud rates and minimize data breach and penalties exposure


A single tunable API to validate and authenticate

Be a part of the transformation with FortifID

A data solution that addresses the complexities of the digital world.